2012 – The Year of Possibilities and Learning

Last year I had a list of goals a mile long. It was my year of chasing rainbows.

To tell you the truth, I haven’t been back to revisit my goals. The thing about writing goals is that they’re not easily measurable. You can’t say, I’m going to have a book published this year (unless it’s been scheduled) because there are so many factors that are out of your hands.

So, when it comes to writing goals, I look at them more as a means to get me to focus on what I want to achieve for the year.

I guess it’s a bit like doing an elevator pitch. If I can’t contain my goals to a paragraph then chances are I’ve made them too complex and that makes them hard to achieve.

So, if I could sum up my goals for this year, they would be to make the most of opportunities and learn as much as I can about my craft.

2012 is going to be my Year of Possibilities & Learning.

I have a number of manuscripts polished and ready to go. So this is going to be my year of getting them ‘out there’, of biting the bullet and being brave, and submitting. (They are my possibilities)

It’s going to be my year for exploring new genre, for trying my hand at things I’ve never tried before; different ‘points of view’, different styles and new skills. See, I’ve probably set too many goals already, but when it all boils down to it, it’s about honing my skills and working harder at becoming a better writer.

So this is the process I’ve gone through to work towards that goal.

1.  Look at the things I’m not so good at – the things that always seem to come up when I’m having my work critiqued. I’m going to share them with you.

The Things I could Do Better:

  1. story beginnings
  2. story endings
  3. simplifying plot
  4. exploring setting and developing it more
  5. strengthening my characters by focussing on the things they don’t say.
  6. avoid word repetition

2.  Buy books that can help me. I know I’m going to have to work hard at these things. Two books I’ve bought to help me are Martha Alderson’s, ‘The Plot Whisperer’ and mary Mary Buchkam and Dianna Love’s “Break Into Fiction’, so I’ve got a bit of light reading planned this summer:)

I also got some fabulous tips from Michael Bourret at the SCBWI LA conference last August..and the fabulous Ellen Hopkins.

3.  Enrol in short courses like Mary Buckham’s Master Classes online on Active Settings and Body Language and Emotion.

It’s been a while since I’ve done anything like these online courses so I’m very excited. I’ll be sure to share what I’ve learned.

My US author friend, Laura Elliott has decided that 2012 will be her Year of Just Do it!

My Australian author buddy, Karen Collum seems to have the ‘measurable writing goals’ thing worked out. You might like to read her blog.

Hope you have a happy and inspirational year in 2012. I’d love to hear about what you have planned for this year.

Happy writing:)

4 thoughts on “2012 – The Year of Possibilities and Learning

  1. Thanks, Karen,

    I am loving the Active Settings online course already. Setting is a really important part of my current WIP and I feel like I have some great tips to go on with already. Look forward to chatting over coffee too. x

  2. Hi Chris,

    Sounds like you have an inspiring year planned. I agree that sometimes we have to just chill and let it happen, let it be more organic…can’t force the creative muse:)

    Hope you have a fabulous 2012 too and I look forward to comparing notes:)

    The online writing course is fabulous already.


  3. My main goal for 2012 is to earn $4000 from writing. Everything I have to do to earn it follows from the goal. It is a very specific amount of money, but the bar has to be raised each year.(not that I’ve attained my earnings goals at any time yet!). This will mean possibly breaking out of spending time doing so many short stories and comps, to take part in more active submitting to mainstream publishers.

    Also a go at Toastmasters since I’m much more articulate and confident on paper than in real life!!! This will be a major challenge but good for the future.

    I think as long as you keep going forward, no matter the pace, you can’t go wrong. Just gotta keep getting up.

    Sounds like your 2012 is starting with a bang, Dee! Good luck- you seem to work like a Trojan in the writing biz!.

  4. Hi Tracey,

    Your goals sound very well thought out and I hope you achieve them. I hear you on the earning money from your writing one. Sounds like you have a good plan.

    Good on you for giving Toastmasters a go. Unfortunately, writers have to be public speakers too, don’t they? I’ve heard of people taking stand-up-comedy courses so they can speak in public.

    Hope you have a fabulous 2012:)

    Dee x

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