TUESDAY WRITING TIP – How to Keep The Pages Turning

Today, we’re lucky to have author, Cynthia Vespia visiting Deescribewriting. Cynthia is the author of Demon Hunter, and she’s going to talk about how she keeps readers hooked.


How to keep the pages turning

By Cynthia Vespia

Author, Cynthia Vespia

Writing is a tricky business. It’s important to know all the tried and true techniques that will help mold and shape your novel or story. Once you learn those basics, however, it’s up to you to take what you’ve learned and throw out what you don’t need. It’s like a sculptor creating a magnificent statue. He doesn’t add more clay, he instead peels away layers to reveal the beauty of the work underneath. So today I’m going to tell you a few of the things I use to help keep dramatic suspense in my work. What will keep the reader involved enough that they’ll want to revisit the novel and turn the pages to find out what’s going to happen next?

A lot of it is pacing. Your scenes should develop in a way that builds towards an event or a question of what’s to follow. The way you deliver that most effectively is with action. I’m sure you’ve heard it before, show- don’t tell. Describe for the reader exactly how you see the scene play out in your head. Follow the little movie running in your mind and be aware of all 5 of the senses, then incorporate them into your scene. You know you’ve done your job well when a reader describes back to you the emotion that you were trying to portray. That again is pacing. Drawing the reader in so they feel like they’re part of the story. In a way they become that character on the page.
Here is an example of building suspense and tension taken from my novel Demon Hunter: The Chosen One

His heavy boots made a sick-wet sound as they slapped the soft earth. Debris and chunks of dirt blew into our faces taunting us with the desire to cough aloud but we remained as still as statues. Our eyes kept trained on the man’s every move.

The knife was outstretched in his hands. Almost all of the blood had dried, giving its color a dark crimson masking rather than the brighter sheen of a fresh kill. The remaining liquid congealed at the tip pulling one solitary, fat droplet down off the knife. It plummeted fast and found its landing direct upon the back of my hand. Warmth and cold both blanketed me in the same sensation as the blood sat soaking upon my skin. Both Tuck and I sat staring at the droplet in stark terror, daring not to move one single inch. That one small drop of blood marked what true danger we were exposed to.

Finally I managed to pull my gaze away and regard the stranger before us. My blood ran cold as the man’s eyes rained down upon me, locked against my own. They were dark orbs, almost as dark as night, and they held within them just a touch of madness staring out from under his full brimmed hat.

Notice how the emotions intertwine with description to move the story forward. Depending on what genre you’re writing in there are certain ways of delivering the story fans of that genre expect. Again, learn those techniques and then add what is essentially your own style to create your own definitive writing “voice.”

Control the pace, control the story. The bulk of any scene is built with some sort of conflict, an exterior struggle the audience can visualize, follow, and relate to in some way. Build your suspense with the scene and sequel method where the scene is built upon a certain goal, conflict, or disaster and is almost immediately followed by its sequel with emotion, decision, and action.

Play out your scenes moment to moment just like in real life. Read it back over to yourself and adjust until you feel your own heart quicken with anticipation. But my most important tip for you is this: have fun! Writing, like life, is meant for you to enjoy the journey. Don’t get bogged down with a lot of rules. The tips I’ve presented here are a starting point to help you on that journey. No go forth and discover some techniques of your own and join us back here where you will deliver your own set of tips. Write your story…and make sure you enjoy it.

Thanks for visiting today, Cynthia and for your great insights into how to write to keep the reader turning the pages.

You’ve given us some great tips.

Happy writing


Don’t forget, if you have a question about writing, put it in the ‘comments page’ of this blog, and I’ll try to answer it in future issues.